2022-07-04, 14:15–14:50 (Europe/Paris), Amphitheater
This talk will describe the internals of a Mattermost End-to-End Encryption plugin that has been developed at Quarkslab in 2021.
This talk will include:
- the problems we are trying to solve, and the attack models considered
- existing plugins / why make a new one
- the underlying cryptography protocol and various tradeoff
- maybe a small demo :)
The plugin is open source here: https://github.com/quarkslab/mattermost-plugin-e2ee . You can also read a blog post about it here: https://blog.quarkslab.com/mattermost-end-to-end-encryption-plugin.html .
It's been battle-tested and used (almost) seamlessly in production at Quarkslab since September 2021, within a team of around 100 people.
See also: 🎥 video
Adrien Guinet is currently CTO at Quarkslab.
R&D Engineer at Quarkslab, Cryptographer, Hippie