
This event currently does not accept new proposals, sorry!

Call for Papers

Conference date and location

The 2024 edition of Pass the SALT will be held July 3 to 5, 2024, at Polytech Engineering School in Lille, France (Openstreetmap | Google Maps).

Your proposal


  • Your proposal has to speak about Security and Free Software/Hardware (or Open Standard/Protocol),
  • By submitting a proposal, you accept video recording and publication of your slides+video recording under CC licence.


We definitely want to have submissions from multiple security fields because we wish this conference to ease and improve interactions between various Security and Free Software communities. All usual security topics are, of course, welcome, with among others:

  • privacy software and issues,
  • offensive software and usages,
  • hacking tools/software,
  • defensive and threat intel tools and research.

To illustrate, the 2023 edition hosted 22 talks dispatched in 9 different sessions (+ 3 workshops) covering a large part of the security landscape.

And, obviously, if you have a brilliant and/or “strange” idea, just SUBMIT and we will speak together!

Proposal Formats

You can propose:

  • a long talk (35 min - questions and answers included),
  • a short talk (20 min - questions and answers included),
  • Workshops (3 hours max - detail the duration you foresee for your workshop in the description field).

The language: all the talks will be given in English in order to share the conference with non-French-speaking speakers in the most comfortable manner.


The important dates are:

  • Submission deadline: March 31, 2024, at 23:59 CEST
  • Speakers notification: second half of April 2024
  • Program publication : May 1, 2024


Typical people submitting to our CFP are:

  • contributors to Free Software/Hardware Security Projects,
  • researchers who found vulnerabilities in a Free Software/Hardware project,
  • hackers who have studied the security model of a Free Software/Hardware project or of an open protocol,
  • people who have used a Security Free Software in their company or at home, and share with us their experience.

See our last editions list of the speakers.

You do not recognize yourself into these descriptions? Are you concerned about being too shy? You have doubts about yourself, your idea, or anything else?


Just drop any question you may have (e.g. "I have this talk idea but I am not sure ...") to and we will give our feedback. You and your questions are definitely welcome!

Speakers Support

Our goal is to make it possible for all lecturers to come in confidence, get rid of most of your practical questions, and be able to take advantage of the event in the most open way.

Communication: on this side, we provide:

  • A dedicated private mailing list on which we provide complete information (how to come, to find accommodations, to do your talk, to contact us, to be reimbursed, etc.),
  • A contact list and a fast feedback loop: in order to be able to get in touch and have answers quickly from the org team.

Financial support:

  • First : as a free access event, we ask companies behind speakers to provide them support for the trip to the conference.
  • Then: Then, for non-company-supported speakers, we might provide reimbursement for travel expenses, of course within the limits of our budget.


Just send your questions to