
Sandwich: crypto-agility demystified
2024-07-04, 14:00–14:35 (Europe/Paris), Amphitheater

There are a multitude of open-source cryptography libraries. This is why no one needs yet another cryptography library. Nevertheless, having a framework that brings together a range of libraries behind an easy-to-use unified API can be useful. A typical use case could be companies and individuals who are willing to migrate from classical cryptography to quantum-resistant cryptography without having to learn a new API. This is commonly known as crypto-agility.
Sandwich provides such a framework as a meta-library. It provides a hard-to-misuse API that interoperates with trusted and well-established cryptography libraries. Users can switch between protocols and/or libraries in a flash, without having to recompile or even edit their source code.
This presentation breaks down Sandwich by explaining its core principles and its unified API.

Repository of the project:

In this talk, we will present Sandwich, a cryptography framework that helps developers embracing crypto-agility.
The following topics will be covered:
- Why we created such a framework
- Which technologies are we using (cryptography providers, programming languages)
- The unified Protobuf-based API

See also: Slides

Cryptography software engineer