Alexandre Dulaunoy

I break stuff and I do stuff.

  • How to Secure Your Software Supply Chain and Speed-Up DFIR with Hashlookup
  • Typosquatting-finder
Alexis Mousset

Alexis Mousset is working on Rudder, an infra configuration & security management tool, as lead developer on system topics (configuration automation, agents, networking, etc.)
He is also part of the Rust language Secure Code working group, which promotes tooling to help writing secure code in Rust and manages the Rust ecosystem vulnerability database.

  • Supply-chain security in open-source ecosystems: the Rust case
Antonin Fringant
  • Sanzu Hands-on
Antonio de la Piedra

Antonio de la Piedra's background is related to Cryptographic Engineering and Embedded Security. He has participated in the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization project within the NewHope team and in different international and national-scale projects related to Privacy Enhancing Technologies. He has talked at conferences like CHES, INDOCRYPT, Black Hat Europe, Black Hat Asia, etc. Currently, he works as security researcher at Kudelski Security.

  • zekrom: an open-source library of arithmetization-oriented constructions for zkSNARK circuits
Aurelien Thirion

Dark web connoisseur - Open source developer

  • Data Mining, Darknet and Social Network Monitoring - Exploring the Latest Features of the AIL Framework
Christian Studer

Christian Studer joined CIRCL in 2017 after he graduated with a Master in Computer Science. During his master thesis at CIRCL he showed his capacity to lead existing CIRCL software such as the Potiron framework, a tool to normalize, index and visualize network captures. He is mainly working on MISP, contributing to the core development and several integrations with other tools and formats, most notable, he leads the STIX implementation of the project. He is also the co-chair of the OASIS CTI STIX Subcommittee.

  • How to survive to STIX parsing?
Clément Notin

Clément Notin has been a cybersecurity engineer for around ten years.
He started as a pentester and auditor, first in a consulting company, then, for a global French industrial group.
He is now a researcher in Active Directory security for Tenable in order to contribute to the product that allows to identify in real time the weaknesses of such environments and detect the attacks underway.

  • Decrypt Kerberos/NTLM “encrypted stub data” in Wireshark
Clémentine Maurice

Clémentine Maurice is a full-time CNRS researcher ("Chargée de Recherche") in the Spirals team at CRIStAL (Lille, France). Prior to that, she obtained her PhD from Telecom ParisTech in 2015, and then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Graz University of Technology, Austria. Her research interests span software-based side-channel and fault attacks on commodity computers and servers, leveraging micro-architectural components. She also enjoys reverse-engineering processor parts. Beyond academic conferences, she presented her research at venues like the Chaos Communication Congress and BlackHat Europe.

  • Reproducible Research in Micro-architecture Security (and Beyond): from Paper to Artifact Evaluation
David Cruciani

Security researcher at CIRCL

  • Typosquatting-finder
Eloïse Brocas

Eloïse Brocas is a security researcher and reverse engineer at Quarkslab.

  • Map your firmware!
Éric Leblond

Éric has more than 15 years of experience as co-founder and CTO of cybersecurity software companies and is an active member of the security and open source communities. He has worked on the development of Suricata – the open source network threat detection engine – since 2009, is a board member of OISF, and was a member of the Netfilter Core Team for the Linux kernel's firewall layer.

  • Using Suricata to detect lateral movement in Windows environment
Francisco Falcon

Francisco Falcon is a security researcher and reverse engineer at Quarkslab. He is interested in anything involving reversing, vulnerability research and exploitation.
In the past, before joining Quarkslab, he worked at Core Security as an exploit writer.
He has been a speaker at security conferences such as REcon, Ekoparty, and Black Hat Europe.

  • Vulnerabilities in the TPM 2.0 reference implementation code
Frédéric Vannière
  • Sanzu Hands-on
Gabriel Kerneis

Gabriel works as a Security Researcher at ANSII, the National Cybersecurity Agency of France. His research focuses on firmwares, trusted environment and secure boot mechanisms.

  • Ultrablue: User-friendly Lightweight TPM Remote Attestation over Bluetooth
Gabrielle Viala

Gabrielle is a reverse engineer at Quarkslab. Her main domains of interest are the Windows internals and UEFI components.

  • For Science! - Using an Unimpressive Bug in EDK II To Do Some Fun Exploitation
Guillaume Valadon

Guillaume Valadon is the Director of Security Resarch at Quarkslab and holds a PhD in networking. He likes looking at data and crafting packets. In his spare time, he co-maintains Scapy and learns reversing embedded devices. Also, he still remembers what AT+MS=V34 means! Guillaume regularly gives technical presentations, classes and live demonstrations, and write research papers for conferences and magazines.

  • Scapy Hands-on
Ivan Kwiatkowski

An OSCP and OSCE-certified penetration tester and malware analyst working as a Senior Security Researcher in the Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) at Kaspersky Lab since 2018. Also delivers Kaspersky’s reverse-engineering trainings in Europe. Ivan maintains an open-source dissection tool for Windows executables and his research was presented during several cybersecurity conferences. As a digital privacy activist, he also operates an exit node of the Tor network.

  • Gepetto: AI-powered reverse-engineering
  • Why cyberoffense will never be regulated
Laurent Thoeny

Currently, a C and Rust software engineer @ Cysec
Cybersecurity and cryptography enthusiast, formerly at Kudelski Security

  • zekrom: an open-source library of arithmetization-oriented constructions for zkSNARK circuits
Loic Buckwell

Loic is the main developer of the Ultrablue project, under the supervision of Nicolas Bouchinet and Gabriel Kerneis from ANSSI.

  • Ultrablue: User-friendly Lightweight TPM Remote Attestation over Bluetooth
Maya Costantini

Maya is a Software Engineer in Red Hat's Emerging Technologies security team.
She is passionate about Python, open source and software supply chain security.

  • Introduction to Sigstore: cryptographic signatures made easier
Nicolas Berveglieri

PhD from "Université de Lille", INRIA (french) and MODO (Japanese) Lab, specialized in large scale optimization assisted by machine learning tools.

Now working at Vade as research engineer.

  • Clustering large amount of email with Minhash: an open-source Locality sensitive hash
Nicolas Bouchinet

Nicolas Bouchinet works as a Security Researcher at ANSSI, the National Cybersecurity Agency of France. His research focuses on the Linux kernel, userspace and boot chain.

  • Ultrablue: User-friendly Lightweight TPM Remote Attestation over Bluetooth
Peter Czanik, One Identity

Peter is an engineer working as open source evangelist at Balabit (a One Identity business), the company that developed syslog-ng. He assists distributions to maintain the syslog-ng package, follows bug trackers, helps users and talks regularly about sudo and syslog-ng at conferences (SCALE, All Things Open, FOSDEM, LOADays, and others). In his limited free time he is interested in non-x86 architectures, and works on one of his PPC or ARM machines.

  • Syslog-ng 4.0 – where log management is heading
  • Syslog-ng: from zero to hero, including syslog-ng 4 changes
Pierre Milioni

Security Ninja @ Synacktiv

  • The Good, the Bad, and the Secure: a pentester's journey daily driving Qubes OS
Raphaël Vinot

Formerly member of CIRCL, I moved to France but didn't go that far in spirit as I'm still part of the developers and maintainers for a whole bunch of tools there. Some say it is too many, we disagree.

  • Analyse your weird URLs the easy way
Rémi Matasse

Security Ninja @Synacktiv

  • PHP filter chains: How to use it
William Robinet

I manage the technical team that is behind AS197692 at Conostix S.A. in Luxembourg [0].
I've been working with free and opensource software on a daily basis for more than 25 years.
I contributed to the cleanup and enhancement efforts done on ssldump [1] lately.
I particularly enjoy tinkering with open and, not so open, hardware.



  • ASN.1 templating for fun and profit